References - Rehabilitation Health Outcomes

References are listed alphabetically.

FIM (Functional Independence Measure)

The FIM measures the functional ability of a patient by measuring 18 different criteria. This changes during rehabilitation and the FIM instrument is used to track those changes which are key outcome measures of rehabilitation episodes. Patients are evaluated by clinicians credentialed by AROC (Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre) at the time of the patient's admission and before discharge. The two sets of scores are then compared and changes measured.

"hip, knee or shoulder replacement"

This data includes all joint replacements and may also include ankle or elbow replacements. However the vast majority of joint replacements are hip, knee and shoulder.

"achieve similar outcomes" and "other Australian private hospitals"

FIMâ„¢ data is benchmarked with Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre national FIMâ„¢ (Functional Independence Measure) data on Australian Private Hospitals. 2018 data refers to 2017/18 financial year, etc.


Severity on admission is measured using the AN-SNAP (Australian National Sub-Acute and Non-Acute Patient) Version 3 Overnight Rehabilitation classification system. Severe Impairment is indicated by the following codes: Stroke = 3-208 and 3-209. Orthopaedic Fractures = 3-229 and 3-230. Hip/Knee/Shoulder replacements = 3-233. Neurological conditions =3-218 and 3-219.

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